
Showing posts from August, 2020

Vernon Jones: Standard Bearer for Conservative Black Democrats.

I don't think every Black person needs to be a Republican. The community needs Democrats fighting for effective public safety and other non liberal policy in that party too. Georgia Democrat Vernon  Jones is such a Democrat. He's made headlines and haters among elite liberals for his vocal support of Donald Trump, the Republican incumbent. He even was one of the speakers for the first night of the 2020 Republican National Convention. Conservative Democrats are part of a broad bipartisan coalition of Americans deeply concerned about the direction of our country. My only suggestion to Mr. Jones and others is to refrain from accusing Black Democrats of being on a plantation. This is a very harsh phrase for one Black person to ever use against another. Instead, attack the elite liberal plantation master mindset!!! They've gentrified their way into the good graces of our community. Point out how they today, like ones of old, are always around us. Highlight how they really see th...

The Best Political Vehicle to Colonize Black People.

    I still say the best political vehicle for contemporary colonization of the Black Narrative and institutions remains the Democratic Party. This doesn't mean the GOP is racism free but does mean elite liberal proximity in the Black community is done for control, not concern. I find racists who call themselves Republicans or conservatives physically and philosophically distance themselves from our community. They aren't found arrogantly elbowing their way into our marches, historic moments and mechanisms. A Republican racist with Biden's loose lips in this cycle alone (not including disrespectful decades) would never be a vice presidential or presidential nominee. Risk adverse Republicans and the mainstream media would show him or her the door off center stage. Joe Biden has said things exactly like racist Democrats from my youth because he literally IS one of the racist Democrats from my youth. I still remember how he talked down to now Supreme Court Justice Clarence Tho...

When I Say, Support Black Business, I'm not Being Racist.

When I Say, Support Black Business, I'm not Being Racist. I hear Individualism purists brows loudly wrinkling. Some snap, "Huh? What if I said, 'Support White Business?' You'd saying I was being racist!!!" Actually, I'd say Black people already support White owned businesses, to the yearly tune of billions of dollars. Clearly we're not racist with our money. When I say, Support Black business, it's not encouraging economic discrimination. Quite the contrary, it's promoting ideological decolonization. Elite liberals want Black people thinking we can't create anything for ourselves and must rely on "concerned" colonizers for leadership, goods and services. As a boy I had several Black owned convenience stores, a dry cleaner, barber shop, beauty salon, electronic repair shop, insurance company, gas station and more  within walking distance. I caught the tail end of a (soon shuttered) separate Jim Crow economy my parents and grandpare...

Haven't Liked Joe Biden Since Disrespectful Interrogation of Clarence Thomas.

  I haven't liked Joe Biden since his disrespectful 1991 interrogation of now US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. The passage of time hasn't endeared him to me. He enjoyed grilling a dissenting Black man a little too much. Sort of a presequel for his INFAMOUS "You ain't Black" crack. Cap Black.

My Protest Vote.

My last job became a cold war opposing elite liberals trying to undermine me at every turn because I wouldn't act like a member of the subordinate colony they think Black people belong to. My protest vote is to deny them any more access to power since one of them is a donor to Democratic presidential candidates. No, the candidate wasn't Bernie, whose tenacity I respect. My protest vote is against  Obama era federal consent decrees which made police where I live worry more about an unelected federal judge and monitor than leftist victims I help as a grassroots security consultant. My protest vote is against the sanctuary and welcoming city status where I live ignoring high double digit Black male unemployment (PRE pandemic) that doesn't bother to mention such obvious suffering. My protest vote is against limiting Second Amendment access to incorrectly labeled "assault weapons" as violent crime and riots increase while police staffing decreases. My protest vote is o...

Separate Ourselves Away from Elite Liberalism!

Ending elite liberal control of the Black Narrative and our institutions is one major reason why I'm a Black nationalist conservative. They've occupied contemporary Black culture and we must separate ourselves away from their sick mania to control and objectify Black people. Their version of "integration" is actually domination and manipulation, not progression or ending alleged oppression. It's a lingering form of colonialism that makes us subordinate in our institutions and areas where we're the numerical majority. Just as African and Caribbean nations ended nation state colonialism mostly in the 1960s, American Blacks must do the same. The presidential candidacy of Joe Biden represents a last gasp of undiluted liberal colonialism complete with racial gaffs he honestly can't stop making because he feels entitled to say whatever he wants about his "colony," Black people. Instead of old school racial separatism I mean ideological separatism where...

I'm not a Gun Nut but am Crazy about Selfdefense.

  I'm an Old School Brother. Very old school when it comes to self defense, which I consider a high expression of self love.  Elite liberals feel only the police and military should have firearms, not out of Second Amendment support, but as outsourced protection. They see themselves as too good to bother defending themselves. Grassroots leftist friends usually want to greatly limit private firearms ownership but have in their ranks folks like a friend who supports an armed public (she might say proletariat) and actually wants to own a tank. I want her to have a tank. She wouldn't use it to attack or rob anyone, which places her head and shoulders above criminals doing both without tanks or armored personnel carriers. We'll discuss whether its cannon would be operational. Lol My opinion is there should be few limits on types of weapons one should own if one doesn't have a violent criminal history or is mentally ill. Engaging in criminal activity is an obvious disqualifie...

"Don't Use a Murdered Boy as a 'Why Don't White Lives Matter Too' Meme!" says Cap Black.

  Cannon Hinnant. Anyone who knows me knows I have zero sympathy for violent criminals. This places me clearly outside current efforts to minimize consequences for mayhem inflicted upon crime victims. I have no sympathy for this boys murderer just like I don't sympathize with murderers whose victims hail from my side of the racial railroad tracks. This boy's death shouldn't be abused by the Xeno Right into misuse as a "Why don't White Lives Matter too?" meme nor as repulsive rebuttal to attention George Floyd's murder has gotten. I've stood beside and spoken up for crime victims for years. Lately, they've been White females, given demographics of my area. I didn't do it for a butter biscuit and a pat on the head. Not a slave in any way, shape or form. I did it for the same reason assistance was rendered to Black crime victims: REAL Brothers oppose crime and mobilize folks to create safety. This five year old boy shouldn't have been murdered...

"Shine a spotlight on her policies and philosophy, not light a cross against her parentage and pigmentation." says Cap Black.

Shine spotlight on her policies and philosophy, not light a cross against her parentage, gender and pigmentation. I have little to nothing in common with national Democrats on key issues but am addressing a disturbing rush to racism I'm seeing regarding their Vice Presidential pick. Her American citizenship and even ethnicity are questioned in an increasingly demented and discriminatory manner. Regarding civil rights and civility, it would be refreshing if the "Xeno Right," as I call them, would be silenced by reasonable Republicans who don't want a repeat of shrill, bigoted bloviating seen during the Obama years. I'm not an Obama supporter but don't support xenophobic conservatives either. Grassroots conservatives and reasonable Republicans must muzzle the Xeno Right or risk confirming blanket bigotry allegations from the other side of the aisle. Adding more toxicity to an already toxic election cycle doesn't help the body politic. It's already on lif...

Coloring Kamala Harris.

I understand being "Black" comes in an infinite number of combinations with other ethnicities. I also understand it's a unique cultural construct in America. A man who thought he was Black all his life, Rock Newman, discovered via DNA testing he wasnt-but remains a culturally Black person based on a lifetime of acculturation. I further understand that biracial people identifying or being identified by others as Black due to appearance have historically been chosen for positions in majority society. It's not unfair to make that observation since most of us have two Black parents. It raises distrubing questions about whether the old caste system favoring biracial Black people still exists.  While President Obama's upbringing bore no direct relationship to the Black cultural experience in America, being raised by his White mother and her family, he immersed himself in it from young adulthood forward. Obviously Obama experienced discrimination because he looks Black a...

Creative Patriotism Offers Escape from Depression.

  I don't wear patriotism on my sleeve (ok, yes I do!) but it's more than simply a political statement. Especially lately. Since my sudden firing by elite liberals who run my old job, I've been deeply depressed. I went from working seven days a week for 70 plus hours to NOTHING, in the WORST economic crisis in American history. My grassroots security consulting and homeless outreach giving out Subway cards hit pause as the Kryptonite of Depression seeped into me, leaving me inactive for weeks. BUT, visions of me wearing Red, White and Blue kept being Divinely downloaded into my mind. I ordered some American flag facemasks and when they finally came, put one on and slowly hit the streets to give out cards to hungry folks. Creative patriotism offers escape from Depression. What's right about America can make us eventually feel alright again during these trying times. Just take your time. Cap Black.

You Don't Have to be White to be Right (Conservative).

  If ones only source of conservative content is Fox News, One America News Network or many online sites, one would conclude it's a White ideology, with a short list of Black folks making appearances or serving as regular contributors. As with liberalism, by virtue of this being a (shrinking) majority White country, that accounts for the predominant pigmentation of conservatism. However, Black America has its own conservative traditions, independent of strains practiced by mainstream ones. We have religious conservatives whose fundamentalism in Christianity, Judaism and Islam is as old school as any observed by ethnicities popularly considered representative of those faiths. Our business and professional class, regardless of how they vote, are intensely conservative and not given to anything remotely considered "radical" or worse, "militant." Voting twice for Obama is about as risky as they get. Ironically, even Black nationalists, often considered separatists, ...

Joe Biden: Good Guy for the Bad Old Days.

I grew up in a Southeast Georgia town whose major export was White Democrats with real malice, not misunderstanding, toward Black people. This isn't an endorsement for the current GOP, because some of these racists went from merely voting Republican in national elections and became Republicans themselves. They asked their sainted Democrat forefathers for forgiveness but felt their party was too, um, mixed up, if you know what I mean. When I hear presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden make the latest in a lifetime of anti Black comments, I always say, he sounds just like racist Democrats from my youth. He IS one of the racist Democrats from my youth, as a Generation Xer! Biden ingratiated himself with some of the greatest segregationists to pollute the US Senate. I came of age to a background beat of contemptuous White Democrats who felt they could demean us with impunity. His recent comments about Black voters lacking the ideological diversity of Latinos is yet an...