"Don't Use a Murdered Boy as a 'Why Don't White Lives Matter Too' Meme!" says Cap Black.
Cannon Hinnant. Anyone who knows me knows I have zero sympathy for violent criminals. This places me clearly outside current efforts to minimize consequences for mayhem inflicted upon crime victims.
I have no sympathy for this boys murderer just like I don't sympathize with murderers whose victims hail from my side of the racial railroad tracks.
This boy's death shouldn't be abused by the Xeno Right into misuse as a "Why don't White Lives Matter too?" meme nor as repulsive rebuttal to attention George Floyd's murder has gotten.
I've stood beside and spoken up for crime victims for years. Lately, they've been White females, given demographics of my area. I didn't do it for a butter biscuit and a pat on the head. Not a slave in any way, shape or form.
I did it for the same reason assistance was rendered to Black crime victims: REAL Brothers oppose crime and mobilize folks to create safety.
This five year old boy shouldn't have been murdered.
Neither should a nine year boy in my area.
Children shouldn't be gunned down and that mortal fact alone ought to unite people of all ideologies.
Repeat, ought to.
Cap Black.
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