Separate Ourselves Away from Elite Liberalism!

Ending elite liberal control of the Black Narrative and our institutions is one major reason why I'm a Black nationalist conservative.

They've occupied contemporary Black culture and we must separate ourselves away from their sick mania to control and objectify Black people.

Their version of "integration" is actually domination and manipulation, not progression or ending alleged oppression.

It's a lingering form of colonialism that makes us subordinate in our institutions and areas where we're the numerical majority. Just as African and Caribbean nations ended nation state colonialism mostly in the 1960s, American Blacks must do the same.

The presidential candidacy of Joe Biden represents a last gasp of undiluted liberal colonialism complete with racial gaffs he honestly can't stop making because he feels entitled to say whatever he wants about his "colony," Black people.

Instead of old school racial separatism I mean ideological separatism where elite liberals are denied any input in our community.

Black America must separate away from elite liberal paternalism with at least the same zeal used to end Jim Crow.

Cap Black


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