Coloring Kamala Harris.

I understand being "Black" comes in an infinite number of combinations with other ethnicities.

I also understand it's a unique cultural construct in America. A man who thought he was Black all his life, Rock Newman, discovered via DNA testing he wasnt-but remains a culturally Black person based on a lifetime of acculturation.

I further understand that biracial people identifying or being identified by others as Black due to appearance have historically been chosen for positions in majority society. It's not unfair to make that observation since most of us have two Black parents.

It raises distrubing questions about whether the old caste system favoring biracial Black people still exists. 

While President Obama's upbringing bore no direct relationship to the Black cultural experience in America, being raised by his White mother and her family, he immersed himself in it from young adulthood forward.

Obviously Obama experienced discrimination because he looks Black and even wrote about his own racial resentment.

Conversely, Senator Kamala Harris was raised by a Jamaican father, in an area with plenty of Black people. She attended an HBCU (Historically Black College and University) and pledged a historically Black sorority. These are foundational experiences in Black culture in America and place her firmly in its center.

I know jet Black, passive house negroes.

I know light skinned, passionate community advocates.

Agree or disagree with Senator Harris based on policy. Clearly there's alot there to discuss.

Given our internal diversity, it's incredibly destructive for Black people to attack biracial Black people as not being Black enough.

I'm not a Biden supporter. This isn't about narrow partisanship, it's about recognizing broad personhood.

I am a supporter of Black people not destroying each other over identity or any other reason.

Coloring Kamala Harris as anything less than who she is, is a destructive act.

Cap Black.


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