"Shine a spotlight on her policies and philosophy, not light a cross against her parentage and pigmentation." says Cap Black.

Shine spotlight on her policies and philosophy, not light a cross against her parentage, gender and pigmentation.

I have little to nothing in common with national Democrats on key issues but am addressing a disturbing rush to racism I'm seeing regarding their Vice Presidential pick. Her American citizenship and even ethnicity are questioned in an increasingly demented and discriminatory manner.

Regarding civil rights and civility, it would be refreshing if the "Xeno Right," as I call them, would be silenced by reasonable Republicans who don't want a repeat of shrill, bigoted bloviating seen during the Obama years. I'm not an Obama supporter but don't support xenophobic conservatives either.

Grassroots conservatives and reasonable Republicans must muzzle the Xeno Right or risk confirming blanket bigotry allegations from the other side of the aisle. Adding more toxicity to an already toxic election cycle doesn't help the body politic. It's already on life support from a double dose of partisanship and pandemic shutdowns.

Early indications suggest otherwise but as Jack Kemp and John McCain rebutted xenophobic conservatives of their day, grassroots conservatives and reasonable Republicans can do no less now.

Shine a spotlight on her policies and philosophy, not light a cross against her parentage and pigmentation. 

It's the right thing for America's right wing to do.


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