My Protest Vote.

My last job became a cold war opposing elite liberals trying to undermine me at every turn because I wouldn't act like a member of the subordinate colony they think Black people belong to. My protest vote is to deny them any more access to power since one of them is a donor to Democratic presidential candidates. No, the candidate wasn't Bernie, whose tenacity I respect.

My protest vote is against  Obama era federal consent decrees which made police where I live worry more about an unelected federal judge and monitor than leftist victims I help as a grassroots security consultant.

My protest vote is against the sanctuary and welcoming city status where I live ignoring high double digit Black male unemployment (PRE pandemic) that doesn't bother to mention such obvious suffering.

My protest vote is against limiting Second Amendment access to incorrectly labeled "assault weapons" as violent crime and riots increase while police staffing decreases.

My protest vote is one autonomous Black voice at the table- a table better suited to address above stated concerns than the one allegedly headed by Joe Biden.

Cap Black.


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