Racists Offer Black Citizens Gentrified Justice

One of the most insidious forms of elite liberalism is "gentrified justice." Gentrified justice is White progressive domination of criminal justice narratives and policy making among majority Black populations. I live in a city-New Orleans-suffering from an overdose of gentrified justice, where haughty hipsters and hippies overrule what we want from law enforcement.

It's odd how alleged "anti racists" are so racist toward Black people, especially ones who disagree with politically enabled community crime.

In my experience justice gentrifiers gain strangleholds in Democratic cities. Obviously, conservative ones wouldn't welcome them. They manipulate racial grievance into a monopoly where their theories are the only ones put into practice and Black faces allowed are those spouting talking points. Black dissenters are banished. Email goes unanswered and doors for participation are dead bolt locked to independent thinkers. They also dismiss steady urban neighborhood association requests for more police visibility and proactivity. Since these concerns exist outside justice gentrifiers echo chamber, these concerns don't exist- but they do

Law enforcement is a long standing target of justice gentrifiers.They mistrust this conservative institution and successfully use high profile Black male death to steadily erode effectiveness. Soon, blue uniformed valets are all who will be available to answer emergency calls.

Justice gentrifiers make Black communities more unsafe by dismissing grassroots desire for real public safety. They're offered gentrified measures like summons instead of arrest, untouchable repeat juvenile offenders, eliminating cash bail and using COVID19 as further accelerant to empty already politically depopulated jails.

Make no mistake about it, community criminals are responsible for high crime rates. There is no White supervillain with a remote control making them do it. But there are justice gentrifiers remotely making it much easier to undermine safety in urban areas.

They get more power and we get less safety, which further empowers justice gentrification.

Cap Black.


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