Police Officers aren't Standard Bearers for Social Engineering.

Many elite liberals want police officers to be blue uniformed therapists. Sadly, police executives who sincerely share this misguided notion are also watering down enforcement in favor of enabling career criminals.

My advocacy is speaking out on behalf of Black residents and all urban stakeholders who want problem people arrested, not rationalized, not given summons nor getting more support from office holders than law abiding citizens do.

As I type in "Gotham," my nickname for New Orleans, we're in the grips of a city council who wants blue uniformed therapists instead of police officers. Looming over our elected city council is an appointed-read: unelected-federal consent decree monitor who hates cops actually catching criminals and issues scathing reports against real policing to another unelected
appointee, a local federal judge protected by deputy United States marshals, law enforcement professionals whom she demands fight any crime headed her way.

We peons get blue uniformed therapists telling us what they can't do to enforce the law.

Gotham has numerous violent, uncivil, larcenous "Jokers" in her civic card deck. They're immune to abolition of cash bail, summons instead of arrest and officers treating them like royalty. In true super villain fashion, they cackle at such weakness and use every second chance given to harm more people and take greater amounts of property.

Such is life under the manicured thumb of a delusional ruling elite. Police officers are asked to serve this elite's every whim and none of grassroots victims. Officers can't "fix" criminals to suit elite delusions and shouldn't be expected to.

While law enforcements iconic status and authority can possibly inspire a few offenders to reform, protecting society remains their supreme function. This indespensible protection role can't be subordinated to obsessive attempts at being liked by segments who are innately anti policing. Police officers are here to protect, not be all things to all people.

As criminals and even some protesters become more defiant and destructive, now is definitely not the time to downgrade police officers into becoming blue uniformed therapists.

Police officers aren't standard bearers for social engineering.


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