Harming White People because They're White isn't Revolutionary!

Harming White people because they're White isn't revolutionary, it's predatory. There's no historic or ethical explanation for such violence. Insult to literal injury is added by elite liberals politically enabling it, including issuing "no arrest" mandates to police in cities under their control.

I've heard too many first person accounts as a grassroots security consultant. I've watched too much video, like this one, to dismiss this disturbing trend as an anomaly. I oppose such violence as a non racist Black nationalist promoting community autonomy (from elite liberal hegemony) and an open minded conservative working with grassroots leftists and mainstream conservatives to create local safety and homeless outreach. 

Public brutality is never the answer. If it's wrong for White supremacists to do it then it's wrong for us too! 

If Black people aren't disciplined and honorable, protective and productive, then what are they complaining about among themselves and to others?

Malcolm X never endorsed targeting random citizens as a misguided expression of racial grievance.

 I say unequivocally that harming White people because they're White is predatory, not revolutionary.


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