Elite Liberals Used New Pandemic to Disguise Old Prejudice.
Pay Cap Black what is Owed Him https://www.change.org/
On March 30th, 2020, the Executive Dictator or Director, I get the titles confused, of the New Orleans Healing Center illegally "ordered" me not to reenter the building until I had a negative COVID19 test result. This came minutes after her rude secretary almost jumped out of her skin upon seeing me back at work and when the great gentrifier heading its board of directors recoiled at hearing my hayfever hoarse voice.
The Executive Dictator did this without any contractual authority nor standing from city, state or federal law. She'd unilaterally, unscientifically concluded over the phone that lifelong hayfever was proof I was infected after I had a severe attack due to heavy airborne pollen and cigarette smoke from my nextdoor neighbor's bathroom seeping into mine in the double we share.
Despite absences equal to my five days out or exceeding it, no White person who worked there was subjected to this imperious edict. I conclude it's because they aren't Black males whom she loathes. COVID19 finally gave her the excuse she needed to fire me after ongoing attempts.
Africans and American Blacks in China were subjected to the same racial profiling and decrees, being evicted and banned from public spaces based upon ethnicity, not epidemiology. In this regard, the authoritarian Chinese Communist Party and the Healing Center's ruling elite are one in the same.
I was even issued a paycheck whose memo read, "COVID19 Sick Pay" despite my not having it and later testing negative. She'd decided in her small mind that I was a leper despite evidence to the contrary. She was fully enthralled in a long awaited White Power moment.
The New Orleans Healing Center's undercurrent of hipster racism built into a tidal surge using this new pandemic to disguise old prejudice and sweep me out the door.
They can't stand Black men who aren't props and have taken every opportunity to show it after I pulled their hoods off.
Even for them, using my allergies and COVID19 to disguise well known prejudice is pretty low, but so is refusing to honor the severance clause of my contract and other unethical practices.
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