Donald Trump: Law and Order President for Black America.

I've followed Donald Trump's public safety pronouncements as a candidate and president of the United States with great interest. As a "safety citizen" based in unsafe urban areas, I consider him a law and order president for Black America too, something which couldn't be said about his immediate two predecessors, Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Establishment Democrats and Republicans pretty much gave dismissive shrugs to embedded urban crime during those two adminstrations. Captive communities were written off as fit only for gentrication and urban pioneers to colonize. Their original inhabitants are collateral damage to violence or displacement. 

To be fair, September 11th, 2001, set George W. Bush presidency on an unalterable course as a homeland security and foreign policy one. To be frank, the Obama Administration rolled back federal law enforcement, unleashed federal monitors and gave wide berth to street gangs before and rioters after the August 9th, 2014 death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown's demise ushered in sweeping "depolicing" whose inertia we witness as many local and state governments allow chaos to rule. One notable scholar who has warned about this phenomena long before the George Floyd case is Manhattan Institute scholar Heather MacDonald. 

As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump promised active federal law enforcement Involvement in overwhelmed cities like Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore. To his further credit he discussed the tragic case of Jamiel Shaw, a March 2nd, 
2008 victim of racist execution by a Latino gang engaged in domestic terrorism targeting Black Residents of Los Angeles. Candidate Trump stood alone as the only presidential aspirant to address racist Latinos targeting Black citizens.

Before taking office, Donald Trump staked out a singular position as a law and order president for Black America.

His first term has seen a president comforting Black crime victims and calling out elected leadership of captive cities and federal consent decrees assisting captivity by demoralizing departments and banning proactive policing.

The May 25th, 2020 death of George Floyd has been used by political opponents to give apolitical anarchists free reign to riot, vandalize buildings, including federal ones and tear down statues, even those paid for by freed slaves and one dedicated to famed Abolitionist-and escaped slave-Frederick Douglass.

Coordinated chaos has left majority Black business zones in shambles along with mainstream counterparts. Portland, OR notably is enduring months of destruction with minimal response from local officials.

President Trump convened several meetings with Black conservatives to discuss race relations and policing with community members whose views weren't issued by elite liberals. He also recently held a White House meeting highlighting Black and other people helped by law enforcement in this anti police climate- another blow to the narrative being promoted on destablized streets across the country.

Federal agents sent to Portland, OR have been predictably demonized by mainstream media and elite liberal office holders. Mischaracterized and maligned, these agents have kept the peace near an almost overrun federal courthouse and taken suspects into custody for questioning or arrest.

The President is sending more federal agents to Chicago and Albuquerque, NM. These deployments, like his National Guard activation in Washington, DC and other cities, reclaims legitimate outrage about George Floyd from illegitimate co-opting advancing a very dangerous and racist ideology where White vandals run wild in pandemic weakened urban centers allegedly on behalf of Black people.

President Trump is truly a law and order president for Black America, even if you didn't vote for him in 2016.


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