Conservative Commentator Bill Whittle Overlooked Law abiding Black Males in Recent Remarks.
I took issue with conservative commentator Bill Whittle on his comments in this video (2:05 on recording) and typed the following response:
"Stay away from Black men as much as you possibly can."
Your advice to an inner city youth missed one all important point about the leading threat to his safety: it's CRIMINAL Black men he should avoid as much as he possibly can.
I'm a non liberal Black man whose grassroots security consulting started when crack cocaine invaded my and other stable communities.
It created a boom-no pun intended-in violent Black juvenile and adult criminals and overshadowed law abiding Black boys and men whom outside commentators across the ideological spectrum subconsciously overlook in their commentary.
Elite liberals and Right on Crime conservatives have deformed the Black male image into a dysfunctional homicidal archetype for all of us.
Commentators on the Right sometimes need reminding not every brother outside their tiny circle is a potential killer.
Commentators on the Right sometimes need reminding not every brother outside their tiny circle is a potential killer.
Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black,
Grassroots Security Consultant.
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