Behind the #BlackNationalistConservative Hashtag.


Segregation from Elite Liberal Control of Black Narrative and Institutions.

Autonomy: Community control of our Narrative and Institutions.

Authentic Allies Welcome!

I just tweeted the above message. We must free ourselves from elite liberal control of our narrative and institutions or stand to lose every civil rights gain achieved during the mid 20th century. You can't be free as someones philosophical flunky.

While I have beloved leftist friends who also oppose elite liberals and wear out considerable shoe soles marching for Black Lives Matter, I join other dissenting Black voices across the ideological spectrum  questioning BLMs real motives.

I feel the Black Lives Matter organization is a GOTV (Get Out the Vote) operation by Democratic and socialist political operatives of all colors to elect Joe Biden the 46th president of the United States. In typical elite liberal fashion, Black misery-namely George Floyd's murder-is used to impose political hegemony. This would not be the case if the Black community controlled its narrative.

Elite liberals are experts at pointing across the aisle at Republican racists while sinking fangs of smiley faced fascism deeper into the jugular of Black infrastructure. They pose as our friends and take control of community social, civic and political institutions by funding them and selecting Black gate keepers to block independent thinking community members.

Incidentally, the "conservative" at the end of Black Nationalist Conservative doesnt mean I'm a recruiter for the Republican Party. My recruitment is mobilizing independent minded Black people to break the elite liberal death grip on our narrative and institutions. It also means, unlike some strictly Black nationalist folks, I don't consider all White people the enemy. Authentic allies are found on the mainstream political Right because we share many basic values and conclusions. We're Americans from different strands of the national fabric trying out best to strengthen it.

This is what's behind the #BlackNationalistConservative hashtag.

Black Nationalist Conservatism is a continuum of non racist autonomy embodied by a post Nation of Islam Malcolm X; Black nationalist informed but nonetheless mainstream conservatism of Roy Innis, Justice Clarence Thomas and now, Millennial Black Nationalist Conservatives.

We seek to serve community and country without contradiction.

Cap Black.


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