Why Not Make American Zones instead of Autonomous Zones?

Seattle's Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) is making headlines-and headaches-for its occupation of city blocks. Police aren't allowed to enter and predictably, disturbing reports are already radiating from it.

Concerned citizens see CHAZ as the latest in a series of deeply disturbing events following the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN. They wonder what, if anything, can they do to restore community amid orchastrated chaos?

My suggestion is civic minded folks consider making our own "American zones," not to occupy property and incite hostility, but to  create safety and homeless outreach. No overnight camping required, just overriding desire to stop worrying and start working on concrete solutions.

Our zones can be as small as directly outside homes, jobs or places we frequent. Zones can be as broad as cities, regions and the  nation itself. The only limits are imagination, time and your comfort zone.

It dawned on me while writing this piece that I'd adopted the surrounding community years ago as an American zone where I and dynamic donors help out where we can.

Concerned citizens can create alternates to negative autonomous zones popping up around the country.

Folks, why not make American zones instead of autonomous zones?

Cap Black.


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