Tim Scott: Lone Conservative Watchman on the Wall of Police Brutality
US Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) has been a lone mainstream conservative watchman on the wall of addressing
police brutality, an area of government overreach usually associated with liberals or libertarian-Republicans like US Senator Rand Paul (R-KY).
Beginning with his stonewalled "Walter Scott Notification Act," the South Carolinian recently asked US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to let him lead the legislative response to George Floyd's murder, protests and rioting.
Senator Scott shares his racial profiling experiences, from seven police stops while driving as a Congressman, being followed by store clerks, and numerous older incidents. These disclosures broke a taboo among our generation of Black conservatives, admitting racism continues to have a negative impact. He's ripped away a gag order that kept many Generation Xers quiet on the topic during their late 20th Century rise in Republican politics. I know from first-hand experience how speaking out against bias in my hometown irked the local GOP during the George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton years.
US Senator Tim Scott's role as lone mainstream conservative watchman on the wall of police brutality fills a cultural void normally occupied by Democrats. It speaks to the urgent need not to reduce police brutality to just another partisan issue.
It's bigger than that. All police officers aren't violent racists nor predicate racial profilers but ones who are need to be addressed on a federal level.
I also hail from the Low Country, as coastal Georgia and South Carolina is called, and know well experiences the senator shares with America.
Cap Black.
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