Sudden Allies against Violent Anarchy
We're far beyond mere partisanship this presidential election season. The usual political dueling match between "Rs" and "D's," Republicans and Democrats, has been replaced by a far more bleak contest: a cultural death match between violent anarchists and vilified Americans whose history, property and persons are targeted with increasing ferocity.
This is a growing ideological choosing of sides beyond even the old liberal/conservative divide. If one's temperament doesn't justify rioting, mob assault and statue stealing, party is irrelevant, as you become sudden allies with others from varied parties and philosophies with whom you may not usually agree but wnonetheless feel the same way about opposing mob rule.
Sudden allies will hopefully rush to each other's side to oppose violent anarchy allegedly working to stop state violence and colonial icons on behalf of Black America, whose request for this orgy of destruction I've yet to find.
I look at the ranks of law abiding Democrats-yes fellow conservatives they do exist-for internal push back from that side of the aisle as their party and presidential election platform are hijacked by violent anarchists. Do I expect Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi to issue a stern denounciation of mob rule and political property damage? No I don't, unless said mobs and property damage are the handiwork of rogue conservatives.
I do expect more grassroots leftists and moderate Democrats who oppose violent anarchy to start pushing back and reclaiming their narrative. I first saw this as Black organizers of peaceful George Floyd marches challenged violent anarchists arrogantly arriving to use these marches as cover to spray graffiti and destroy property along the route. Alleged "antiracist" anarchists do some of the most racist things.
Armed citizens patrols of mostly Black residents have formed in Minneapolis where George Floyd was killed and elsewhere to stop arson and looting by visiting violent anarchists. I'm sure these folks identify as Democrats but clearly don't condone orchastrated chaos sweeping through their business community.
Clean up efforts are arising in constructive defiance of graffiti, arson and looting. Again, highly unlikely Republicans are well represented in these groups but what they're doing represents the best of the American spirit.
I expect sudden allies from among liberals with sense to rise up within their ideology and say figuratively and literally, that violent anarchists do not speak for everyone on the Left. Conservative peers doubt whether enough liberals with sense exist to change a calculated collision course Democrats are headed on at warp speed.
We'll find out shortly whether conservatives sudden allies against violent anarchy can stop this insurgency.
My suggestion is forming a nonpartisan united front to displace violent anarchist control of this volatile debate over the future of America.
Cap Black.
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