Defend Yourselves against Injustice, Just don't Destroy your Community.
I don't practice Kingian non violence ( see his video), despite being one of its beneficiaries. I believe self defense is self love, self love mentally, self love verbally, self love as advocacy, self love written in policy and yes, self love physically when necessary.
That said, if you're broke and your area is equally so or worse, vandalism and arson won't make you or where you live less broke. It won't equalize economic inequality. It will deepen it that much more, possibly for generations.
If nearby national chain businesses or local corporate outlets are targeted without considering they are the only goods providers surviving the pandemic shutdown in your area, they're likely not to reopen or move, dramatically expanding your food desert and services vacuum.
Area small businesses have likely gone belly up or are operating with only the owner or manager because they can't afford for staff to return to work.
Before smoke clears, graffiti dries or soles of protesters feet cool off, ghoulish gentrifiers lurk with pennies on the dollar in hand, ready to price out broke residents surrounded by rubble. They already see condos where residents can only envision what they lost and grieve for what was once their community.
I'd never counsel passive acceptance of injustice nor abandonment of self defense in all its liberating forms, just choose means which don't leave you worse off than before you took costly courses of action.
Defend yourselves and others against injustice, just don't destroy your community in the process.
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