Cap Black Vs White Power Dems.

The blatant economic violence of elite liberals at my old job caused me to revive an old phrase I coined for such schemers, "White Power Dems."
Grassroots leftist friends have elite liberal horror stories too. Elite liberals are loyal only to themselves and even look down on lower income members of their ideology.

These bigots don't call themselves Republicans or conservatives. They proudly proclaim themselves to be progressives. 

Presidential candidate Joe Biden
is the best known White Power Dem and personifies this racist way of objectifying and using Black people. Behind phony symbolism and even phonier public issue discussions is very real racism and a mania to control Black people by posing as secular saviors.
The head elite liberal at my old job pretends, like fellow generation  member Joe Biden, to be a genial man of the people, while giving off a condescending air and habitually using affordable housing for government dollars to fund real estate developments. In these one sided deals he gets tax credits and profits while working class folks get the bill.
What the head elite liberal forgets to tell victims is eviction of affordable housing occupants is part of the grand scheme once it's time to turn another profit. This cold utilitarianism is also how he interacts with all working class people off site, especially Black ones. Special venom is reserved for "uppity" ones who don't go along with getting peanuts or shafted.
His right hand man, or woman in this case at my old job, is a world class creator of toxic work environments targeting professionals who don't kiss her ring in allegiance. We butted heads from the onset after she was appointed overseer of what a great job with great co-workers devolved into being: a 2.0 planation patrolled by her rude secretary and a non-stop rumor mill making conveniently anonymous accusations against me.
This pair of White Power Dems personify my lifelong opposition to smiley faced White supremacy. They don't respect Black people but keep us around as protectors against conditions their schemes create. White Power Dems are also infamous for using weaker  Black community  members as props or pets to serve their purposes.
Everyone from Malcolm X to Democratic Socialist scholar Cornel West and contemporary conservatives warn well intended people from all ideologies about these political piranha.
It will always be Cap Black verses White Power Dems because I refuse to be a prop or a pet. I sound the alarm when this sly species of racist slinks around pretending to be friends of the Black community.
Joe Biden and the pair I've encountered are one in the same and see Black people as disposable commodities to be thrown away like used toilet tissue.
With "friends" like these, do Black professionals need enemies?
Cap Black.


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