Healing Center 🙏 or Harming Center?

Healing Center 🙏 or Harming Center?

A Black man dead at the hands of father/son vigilantes in GA.

Another Black man kneed to death in MN.

And in New Orleans, another Black man, me, faces economic vigilantism and financial kneeling on what's owed me by elite liberals used to playing such games.

The New Orleans Healing Center powers that be are refusing to honor my security management contract and pay me what they owe, in true elite liberal fashion. I always warn grassroots folks, watch elite liberal talons (actions), not their "antiracist" talking points.

I'd been warned about those behind it for years and waited to see if they  would try the same tricks on me.

Harming Center sounds like a more accurate name for the place.

This is every bit as racist as these elite liberals accuse Trump supporters of being... but I knew that going into the contract.

The community there asked for my help and it was offered for nearly four years.

I'm still here for the community but not here to be conned.

Cap Black


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