A Brief Take on Line in the Culture Drawn between Black Conservatives over the Ahmaud Arbery Case.

When I raised race issues behind closed doors and openly in the 90s and early 2000s, I was called "militant" and politely avoided by careerist conservatives sharing my pigment. It was being "too Black" and thus taboo.

Candid friends working in liberal circles experienced the same thing.

Bigotry is bipartisan and we shouldn't be fooled into looking for it only on one side of the partisan aisle.

Now, conservatives sharing my pigment are at the forefront of confronting race issues instead of denying them on mainstream media. A healthy development overall and one I welcome wholeheartedly.

It makes me feel good as someone once described as the dean of the Black nationalist wing of conservatism, because of non acceptance of double standards from country club conservatives nor limosene liberals.

Lines have been drawn in the culture so that it's crystal clear where conservative camps fall within the Black community on key issues.

Cap Black


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